University of Oulu International Master’s Scholarship Programme, Finland 2012-2013
University of Oulu partners with the University Admissions Finland for their services for the application system and the pre-processing of application documents. University Admissions Finland evaluates eligibility and authenticity of your educational certificates.
Create a My UAF user account and start the application process
When you register online as an applicant, you create for yourself a user account which allows you to fill in and save the application template. The information you have given will be compiled into a pdf-document, which will become your Application Form as you print it out.
The application template is divided into seven parts:
- Personal information
- Educational background
- Subjects to apply for
- Language skills
- Questions
- Preview and save the application
- Complete the application
- Educational background
- Subjects to apply for
- Language skills
- Questions
- Preview and save the application
- Complete the application
Print out the Application Form (pdf). While filling in your information, you can select to have the pdf-document mailed to your personal e-mail and print it out later. A pdf file can be opened and printed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader, a freeware programme, downloadable at
Remember to sign the Application Form!
Collect the enclosures which the programme requires. They are listed on the front page of the Application Form. Mark down your Application Form number into every document, and also into the lower left corner of the envelope. Send the Application form with the requested application documents to the mailing address of the University Admissions Finland.
Please note that if you apply for more than one programme, you need to submit a full application file (the application form and all requested documents) for each programme you apply for.
Application Documents
All application documents have to be delivered by the deadline. Make sure that you know what documents are required from you and how do you attest your application documents to be valid and authentic. If you apply for more than one programme in the University, please remember to send in separate documents for each programme.
The application documentation has to be submitted together with translations in either Finnish, Swedish or English. Translations of educational documents must be 1) issued by the awarding institution or 2) officially certified copy of a translation issued by the awarding institution or 3) translated by an official translator or 4) officially certified copy of a translation made by an official translator. Please note that you have to send a legalised copy of the translated document also in its original language.
All copies of original documents must be officially certified by the awarding institution or a notary public (please note also country-specific requirements). Copies of copies will not be accepted. All copies must have the original stamp and signature on them. Please note that all pages of the copy must be stamped separately and clearly indicate:
- the signature of the certifying officer
- the stamp of the awarding institution or notary public
- a stamp stating only “Certified true copy” will not be accepted
- the signature of the certifying officer
- the stamp of the awarding institution or notary public
- a stamp stating only “Certified true copy” will not be accepted
All submitted documents will be examined for their eligibility and authenticity. In case the applicant submits forged documents, the application will be automatically rejected.
All application documents should be delivered by mail or international courier service to University Admissions Finland. Faxed or e-mailed applications are not accepted.
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