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Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012-2013 Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme for Citizens of the Republic of Turkey

Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme, started under an agreement signed between Turkey and the European Commission in 1989, and was financed from the special action funds created by the European Council in 1979 and other commitments made in 1993 and 1995-1996. In 1997, the European Commission and the Republic of Turkey decided to continue and extend the Financing Agreement until 31 December 2001 from the funds of MEDA (Mediterranean Development Assistance) Programme. This period can be considered as the first phase of the Programme, during which the main aim was to increase the knowledge about EU integration and from 1990 till 2002, 442 young Turkish Scholars completed their postgraduate studies.
The second phase commenced in 2002 and finished at the end of 2006. The European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Turkey signed a Financing Agreement for the “Continuation and Enlargement of the Programme of Jean Monnet Scholarships for Postgraduate Students” and under the MEDA II Programme and European Commission allocated 10 million Euro for the continuation of the Programme in Turkey. In this second phase, the emphasis of the Jean Monnet Programme was reconsidered because in 1999 Helsinki Summit Turkey had become a candidate country for EU accession. Therefore, the objective of the Programme has changed and apart from enhancing the level of knowledge in Turkey about the EU in general, it aims to increase acquis specific knowledge in Turkey. In this phase, apart from the first group of scholars covering the 2002-2003 academic year, the programme was managed by a Placement Agency, which was provided under a Technical Assistance Contract by the British Council and its consortium partners (DAAD, EGIDE and NUFFIC) and in the second phase 489 people benefited from the Programme.

The third phase of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme started, following the decision to finance the Programme from the Pre-Accession Financial Assistance for Turkey. In this period the Programme has became an EU funded project, whose beneficiary is the EUSG. In 2005 and 2006 projects entitled “Continuation of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme” have been programmed and financed from the Pre-Accession Financial Assistance for Turkey. In the scope of 2005 project, 2007-2008 academic year scholars were financed and 105 scholars were granted awards. In the scope of 2006 project, 2008-2009 academic year scholars were financed and 76 scholars were granted awards.

As it is known, within the period of 2007-2013 EU developed a new way of financial cooperation, which is called “Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)”. “Continuation of the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme” projects were developed by the EUSG and financed in the scope of IPA 2007 and 2009 programmes. Implementation of 2007 JM project is at the final stage. The project covers 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 academic years and a TA team supports EUSG in the implementation. In the scope of the 2007 project, 100 scholars were granted awards under 2009-2010 academic year and 80 scholars were granted awards under 2010-2011 academic year. Implementation of the 2009 Project has been started by October 2010. 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years will be covered by the 2009 Project.

In the third phase, in total, the Programme supported 361 scholarship holders between 2007 and 2010.

Up until to the latest academic year (2010-2011) 1292 scholarships were granted under the programme. 
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