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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Research Position in Structural Composite Mechanics at Denmark Technical UIniversity, Denmark

The Group of Composite Mechanics has a vacant permanent position as Researcher within Structural Composite Mechanics and as an integrated part of the strategic research center DCCSM (Danish Center for Composite Structures and Materials for Wind Turbines).

The Composite Mechanics Group consisting of around 12 persons and presently a part of Department of Mechanical Engineering, will from January 2012 become a part of a new Department of Wind Energy, where the group will join two other strong research groups at DTU within composite material science and structural composite wind turbine blade design,
and thus forming a very strong research environment within composite structural and material mechanics.

Job description
The main research area is advanced methods in the structural analysis and testing of large composite structures and components, as well as management, organization and execution of research based and standardized commercial testing and development projects with industrial customers. Specifically, research interest and experience within one or more of the following fields are required:
  • Structural design of large composite lightweight structures, e.g. ships, land vehicles, aeronautical structures and wind turbine blades.
  • Experimental analysis and testing of components and structures, including material characterization as well as component and structural large-scale testing.
  • Computational analysis of structures consisting of advanced composite fiber reinforced materials, e.g. sandwich and laminated components and structures.
  • Fracture mechanics, damage tolerance and/or fatigue analysis of structures and structural components consisting of various materials, eg. metals and composites.
The teaching responsibilities may involve graduate courses in composite and experimental mechanics taught in English and guidance for BSc, MSc and PhD students.

  • Candidates must hold a PhD degree or similar.
  • Documented hands-on experience with experimental material and/or structural testing using servo-hydraulic and/or electro-mechanical systems.
  • Experience with commercial finite element codes, eg. ANSYS, ABAQUS or similar.
  • Good organization skills and ability to “multi-task”.
In the assessment of the candidates consideration will be given to:
  • scientific production and research potential at international level
  • innovative skills and the ability to generate new ideas
  • the ability to communicate at all levels such as the provision of scientific advice to public sector authorities
  • experience in teaching and education
  • the ability to promote and utilize research results
  • an all-round experience basis, preferably including international experience
  • the ability to contribute to development of the department’s internal and external cooperation
We offer
We offer an interesting and challenging job in an international environment focusing on education, research, public-sector consultancy and innovation, which contribute to enhancing the economy and improving social welfare. We strive for academic excellence, collegial respect and freedom tempered by responsibility. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is a leading technical university in northern Europe and benchmarks with the best universities in the world.

Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.

Further information
Further information may be obtained from Head of Group, Associate Professor Christian Berggreen, +45 4525 1373.

You can read more about the department on www.mek.dtu.dk.

We must have your online application in English by December 31, 2011. Please open the link "apply online" and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and a list of publications indicating scientific highlights and documentation for participation on teacher training course.

Applications and enclosures received after the deadline will not be considered.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

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