Undergraduate Scholarships at University of New England, Australia 2012
Initially, by investing in the Sheep CRC’s education programmes, the Trust facilitated the development of a comprehensive range of sheep and wool education modules which are now available at the University of New England (UNE) and also, via its long distance learning initiatives, to students in other institutes.
To encourage uptake, the Trust is continuing to fund a number of under-graduate scholarships for students across Australia who wish to undertake sheep and wool education training via these modules.
To support enrolments in these units, the Trust also provides funding for:
Travel Awards: These are for students enrolling in Wool Units delivered by UNE. They subsidise costs associated with workshops and are available to external students at other Universities.
Performance Awards:
These are for students enrolling in Wool Units delivered by UNE. Awards are based on performance and are made to students nominated by their lecturer.
Support to Universities:
Supporting funds are allocated to non-UNE Universities to offset any loss of income arising from their students enrolling externally in units delivered by UNE. As of 2008 these funds will be distributed directly to the Universities by the Trust.
Funds are allocated to UNE to support a lecturer to deliver and update of the wool-related modules.
Undergraduate Scholarships
The Trust co-funds undergraduate scholarships, each valued at $6000, for students enrolled in the courses offered by UNE. Support for these scholarships is also provided by companies and industry organisations.
Applications for these scholarships are made through the University of New England.
Applications for 2012 close on 7th October 2011.
AWET Undergraduate Project Scholarships
The Trust supports 15 Undergraduate Project Scholarships per year (available to suitable applicants from any University), each of which is valued at $6,000 - with $3000 being allocated to the student and the balance to the University to fund its support for the student. These scholarships are available to Honours or other appropriate undergraduate students undertaking a one year research project relevant to sheep and wool.
However, the University and the student may negotiate how these funds will be split and, consequently, as of 2011 the split of the funds must be specified in the application.
Applications for these scholarships can be made directly to the Trust (download application form) and must be supported by an academic referee from the University at which the student is or intends to enrol (download form for academic referee's reference).
Applications for 2012 scholarships close on 25th November 2011.
AWET PhD and Masters Scholarship
Funding for up to two PhD or two Masters scholarships, each valued at $30,000, is provided each year. Additional funding up to $5000 is provided upon application to cover operational expenses.
Applications for these scholarships can be made directly to the Trust (download application form) and must be supported by an academic referee from the University at which the student is or intends to enrol (download form for academic referee's reference).
Applications for 2012 close on 25th November 2011.
AWET Wool Teaching Fellowship
The Trust funds a Post Doctoral Wool Teaching Fellowship valued at $46,000, awarded each year.
Applications for these scholarships can be made directly to the Trust (download application form) and must be supported by an academic referee from the University at which the student is or intends to enrol (download form for academic referee's reference).
Expressions of interest for this scholarship should be forwarded by 25th November 2011.
VET Sector
The Trust supports the VET sector via 15 scholarships, valued at $3,000 each, being made available per year to students attending institutions in this sector.
Applications for these scholarships are made on behalf of the student(s) by the institution at which the student is enrolled.
Dr Alastair MacKenzie Scholarship
The Trust provides funding of $10,000 per annum to support the Alastair Mackenzie Scholarship at Marcus Oldham College in Victoria.
Applications for this scholarship must be made through Marcus Oldham College.
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