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Sunday, November 28, 2010

University of Nottingham – ASEAN Masters Scholarship

2011 International Office Scholarships
The University of Nottingham offers a comprehensive and expanding range of scholarships in order to encourage academic excellence, aid diversity, develop relationships with sponsors and offer real financial assistance in cases of hardship, whether individually or by region.
10 scholarships of 25% towards tuition fees

You can apply for this scholarship if you:
  • are a national of (or permanently domiciled in) one of the ASEAN member countries – Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam AND
  • are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes AND
  • already hold an offer to start a full-time Masters deagree programme (including MRes) at Nottingham in 2011 – any subject area (excluding MBA)

The closing date for applications is 3rd June 2011University of Nottingham aim to notify applicants of the outcome within 6 weeks of the closing date


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