International Masters Scholarships in Economy, State & Society (IMESS) 2011
Study Subject: International Masters in Economy, State & Society
Employer: Erasmus Mundus
Level: Masters
Employer: Erasmus Mundus
Level: Masters
The IMESS degree offers three distinct interdisciplinary study tracks, reflecting the unique multidisciplinary expertise of the IMESS partner institutions. Students enroll onto one of the study tracks and specialise, from beginner’s level, in one of the partner institution languages. Additionally, for non-native English speakers a nine-week course in ‘Academic writing in English’ is included in the first semester at UCL. Each IMESS track combines compulsory language training, research methodology, specialist electives and a research dissertation carried out from the end of the first year.
All applicants must complete the standard UCL graduate studies application form and include the additional required materials, paying particular attention to the guidelines below on how to complete the IMESS Supplementary Questionnaire. Failure to complete the IMESS Supplementary Questionniare will result in your application being discarded.
Students can either apply by downloading a hard copy of the application form, requesting a hard copy application pack to be sent off to a contact address or by applying online (for all these options please click the UCL graduate studies application form link below). If you apply online, please ensure that you properly upload your degree transcript, proof of citizenship, English language certificate and Erasmus Mundus scholarship application form (if appropriate). Incomplete applications remain frozen in the UCL Registry and this may affect your chances of scholarship nomination. If you have all of your application materials in paper form, including your references, an old-fashioned paper application can prove to be quite efficient.
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