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Thursday, May 21, 2015

ICFO Fellowships for International Postdoctoral Researcher in Spain, 2015

ICFO offers up to 25 incoming postdoctoral fellowships of 24 month duration to competitive international postdoctoral researchers, with ambitious research projects at the forefront of science and technology. 

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Scholarship Provider/ Funding Agency
The ICFOnest+ International Postdoctoral Program, partially supported by the Marie Curie Actions for Co-funding of Regional, National, and International Programmes (COFUND) of the European Commission, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), as well as by Fundacio Privada Cellex.

Study Area
biomedical optics and biophotonics, nanoscopy and super-resolution imaging, nanotechnology and nanophotonics, nonlinear optics and atom optics, quantum optics and quantum information, atto-science and ultrafast physics, optical sensing and optoelectronics, green technologies and photovoltaics, graphene physics and nanomaterials, single-molecule physics, ultracold quantum matter physics and advanced laser technology

Scholarship open for
International Students

Scholarship Level

  • Have not spent more than 12 months of the prior 24 months in Spain, and not be Spanish citizens/residents. Spanish citizens may apply however if they spent at least 3 years immediately prior the application deadline in a country other than Spain.
  • Be in possession of a PhD degree at the time of the application cut-off-point.
  • Have not been awarded the PhD degree more than 5 years prior to the application deadline. Exceptions are made for documented periods of parental leave. Women may claim up to 12 months for child, for a maximum of 3 years.
  • Be first author in at least one publication (either submitted, accepted, in print or published). Copies may be requested.
  • Provide complete documentation requested for application.
  • Exceptions to the PhD degree requirements will be made for women with children and other documented career breaks. Persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. No restrictions of citizenship or gender apply to the ICFOnest+ Postdoctoral Program.
Number of Scholarships
25 Fellowships

Scholarship Duration
24 months

Coverage/Scholarship Benefits
The ICFOnest+ Postdoctoral Fellows will be hired by ICFO on a standard employment contract of 24-month duration to perform his/her duties within an existing ICFO research group. Salary and economic conditions are aligned with standard European Marie Curie programs (gross salary in the range 40,000 EUR / 55,000 USD).

Application Method

June 30, 2015.


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