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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cambridge/Africa Collaborative Research Programme 2012-2013, UK

University of Cambridge, Centre of African Studies offers Cambridge/Africa Collaborative Research Programme for African Countries 2012-2013, UK
Study Subject(s):African Studies
Course Level:Research
Scholarship Provider: Leverhulme Trust and the Issac Newton Trust
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Applications are invited from all disciplines and are open to scholars and others in academia, research institutes, NGOs, museums and libraries (candidates without a PhD must demonstrate equivalent status). Preference will be given to candidates with a distinguished research profile who are permanent residents in Africa and who have active research interests in the area or areas advertised for the Fellowships. Applicants from non-English speaking African countries are also encouraged, provided candidates can demonstrate a competent grasp of English.

Scholarship Description: The Centre of African Studies, with the generous assistance of the Leverhulme Trust and the Isaac Newton Trust, is pleased to announce a Collaborative Research Programme to be held at the University of Cambridge. Applications are invited for Visiting Research Fellowships to take effect from October 2012. The maximum duration of a Fellowship is six months and is non-renewable. Fellows will have access, by agreement, to the holdings of Faculty and Departmental libraries, to the library of the Centre of African Studies and to the University Library, which houses the extensive collection of materials relating to the history of the Commonwealth formerly housed in the Royal Commonwealth Society Library in London.

How to Apply: By post

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1 October 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application


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