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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

International PhD Program in Psychology and Social Neurosciences, Rome

Seven Ph.D. student positions are available to enrol in the International and European Ph.D. program in Psychology and Social Neurosciences, curriculum in Cognitive Social and Affective Neurosciences (CoSAN), led by Prof. Salvatore Maria Aglioti, La Sapienza University of Rome.

We seek highly-motivated applicants with a strong interest in system neuroscience and cognitive social and affective functions holding an undergraduate degree in disciplines related to the CoSAN programme including but not limited to Psychology, Biology, Neuroscience, Engineering, Statistics, Informatics. Candidates must hold their degree by October 31st 2011.
At least 1 out of the 7 positions reserved for an applicant with computer graphics and virtual environment programming skills

The Ph.D. Programme lasts three years and may be extended to a fourth year (without fellowship), subject to approval by the PhD steering committee. At the end of each year students' work is evaluated prior to admission to the following year.

FELLOWSHIPS La Sapienza University of Rome grants 4 Ph.D. fellowships for attaining the degree of “Dottore di Ricerca” (Ph.D.) in the CoSAN PhD curriculum. Each fellowship amounts to € 13.638,47 per year, for a total of 3 years. Fellowship include the national insurance (INPS) contributions that Ph.D. students are required to pay (8,58% for 2011). The 4 fellowships are available for the 4 most valuable students (based on Phase 2 selection final score) who enter the CoSAN curriculum.


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