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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program by UNIEF, 2011 in USA

Undergraduate Scholarship funded by United State India Educational Foundation  in the field of English, Mathematics, Science in USA 2011
Study Subject:English, Mathematics, Science
Employer:United State India Educational Foundation

Scholarship Description:In the rapidly evolving field of international education, United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) offers a fresh perspective in educational advising, fellowship support and facilitating academic dialogue between U.S. and India.The exchange will benefit both the Indian and U.S. teachers and their students, schools and communitie
Direct exchange of teaching assignments requires that the Indian school also agree to accept a teacher from the U.S. The Indian school will have no financial obligations with regard to the U.S. teacher. However, the school should be willing to facilitate housing for the U.S. teacher. Both the U.S. and Indian teachers must secure a leave of absence with pay.

Scholarship Application Deadline:15 Sep 2011


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