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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2012 Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowships in European University Institute, Italy

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) funded Postdoctoral Fellowships for research at Italy -2012
Study Subject(s): Various
Course Level: Postdoctoral
Scholarship Provider: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS)
Scholarship can be taken at:Italy

- The fellowships are open to candidates who will have successfully defended their Ph.D. by 31 July proceeding the start of the fellowship on 1 September.
- Candidates are eligible during the 7-year period following the successful completion of their Ph.D. (For example, to apply for 2012/13, the Ph.D. should be completed between 31/7/2005 and 31/7/2012)
- Extensions to the 7-year rule are allowed in cases of applicants whose academic career has been interrupted due to maternity leave or illness. In particular, for each maternity leave an additional year will be permitted, while in the case of a long or recurrent illness the total period of illness may be taken into account in calculating eligibility.
- Explanation of the circumstances should be included in the application in the field marked ‘Additional Notes’. Supporting documents will be requested from candidates proposed for selection.
- Candidates who have received their Ph.D. from the EUI can only apply for JMF after they have been away from the Institute in a full-time occupation or with another fellowship for at least one year after defending the Ph.D.
- Candidates of all nationalities are eligible for the Jean Monnet Fellowships.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) offers one or two year fellowships to post-docs in an early stage of their academic career.
RSCAS also offers up to 10  Global Governance Fellowships.  Preference is given to proposals within the following domains:
- International financial and economic regulation with a focus on international monetary issues and global imbalances
- Global governance and democracy
- Different institutional alternatives for global governance: regional integration, international organizations, transnational networks and private governance, global administrative law etc.
- International trade
- Climate change
- Terrorism and counterterrorism policies, with a focus on its relationship with human rights issues

How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: October 25, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application


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