Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for Asian
Despite the remarkable scientific advances of earthquake engineering andseismology in many countries, seismic risk is still growing at a high rate in world’smost vulnerable countries. Successful practice experiences have shown that acountry’s capacity to manage and reduce its seismic risk relies on capitalization onpolicies as well as technology and research results,
and on strengthening technicalcurricula for future practitioners and researchers through university and highereducation programmes.Cooperation in international academic research and training is always key to reducingthe gap between industrialized and more vulnerable regions. The EU-NICE scholarshipprogramme is open to nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal,Pakistan, Thailand, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, North Korea,Philippines, and Sri Lanka who want to study or work at one of the European partneruniversities in Italy, Greece and Portugal. The project is also supported by a number ofassociate organizations active in earthquake risk mitigation and internationaldevelopment.
Within the EU-NICE project around 100 mobilities each year will be involved in scientific activitiesat the undergraduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-staff exchange levels. Researchers,future policymakers and practitioners will build up their curricula over a wide range of disciplinesin the fields of engineering, seismology, disaster risk management and urban planning. Specificeducational and research activities will focus on earthquake risk mitigation related topics such as:anti-seismic structural design, structural engineering, advanced computer structural collapseanalysis, seismology, experimental laboratory studies, international and development issues indisaster risk management, social-economical impact studies, international relations and conflictresolution. Cooperation will take place between leading European and Asian universities involvedin advanced research on seismic mitigation, centers of excellence for higher education training ondisaster risk management.
Around 100 scholarships are offered each year tostudents and scholars involved in scientificactivities at the undergraduate, masters, PhD,postdoctoral and academic-staff level. A quota ofscholarships is reserved for refugees andvulnerable groups.
deadline July 15 2011
EU-NICE scholarships also cover: tuition fees, travel expenses to and from the selected country and insurance costs (travel, health, accidents).
TG1: students registered at one of the current 8 Asian partner institutions. Undergraduate students must have successfully completedat least one year of studies at home
TG2: students need either to be registered in any other institution (not included in the partnership) of the Asian country concerned bythe lot or having obtained a university degree or equivalent by an institution of these Asian countries. They will need to justify howthis study period abroad will benefit them (and their direct socio-economical environment) and include letters of support in theirindividual application
TG3: Students need to be nationals of one of the third countries concerned by the lot and be part of the vulnerable target groups
HOW TO APPLY ?- > Online application
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