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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ozyegin University Undergraduate Scholarship 2011 for Overseas Applicants, Turkey

Undergradute Scholarship in Ozyegin University in Turkey-2011 for international students in the field of
  • Arts in Business Administration,
  • Electrical – Electronics Engineering,
  • Industrial Engineering,
  • Computer Science,
  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Hotel Management
Qualified Applicants

a) International applicants who have successfully completed secondary education or are in their last year of secondary education.
b) Applications cannot be accepted from those who:
  1. hold Turkish nationality
  2. are a citizen of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
  3. hold dual nationality, one of which is Turkish or that of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
  4. starting from the year 2011, have followed and completed their secondary education either in Turkey or in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and gave up Turkish nationality or that of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus while holding dual nationality
  5. have been dismissed from a higher education program in Turkey for disciplinary reasons
Scholarships are being offered to qualified accepted international students, in the form of tuition waivers, from 25% up to 100% level. There are additional scholarships available based on International Baccalaureate,
ABITUR, Matura and French Baccalaureate diplomas, completion of AP program and performance in International Science Olympiads. You will also have the opportunity to improve your scholarship status after admission to OzU by demonstrating high academic performance in your classes (academic merit scholarships).

Scholarship Application Deadline: August 15, 2011


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