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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oxford Brookes University PhD Studentship 2011 in the Departments of Marketing, UK

Study Subject: Customer Behaviour, Engagement and Management, CRM, Consumer Satisfaction, Relationship management
Employer: Oxford Brookes University
Level: PhD
Customer behaviour, engagement and management
The full-time studentship, which includes an element for teaching will be for 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress. Starting bursary will be £20,000 pa plus student fees.
Buying behaviour, customer engagement and CRM are strong interests for the Marketing Department at Oxford Brookes. Consumer satisfaction, relationship management, symbolic consumption, cross-cultural behaviours and gift giving behaviour, are just some aspects of current research activity. A significant emerging focus in the Department is that of consumer fairness and trust, linked to the growing capture and (mis)use of customer data. There is also much interest in C2C communication, reflecting changing social behaviours. We encourage applications into these areas of buying behaviour and customer interaction. Applicants are welcome from a background in social psychology as well as from business studies.
Contacts for informal enquiries and further information about the studentship: Professor Lyndon Simkin, lsimkin@brookes.ac.uk
Applicants should have a good Honours degree and in addition a good Master’s degree at merit level and above that includes a thesis component.
Applicants who have a Master’s degree in social psychology and politics are welcomed.
For details regarding how to apply please download the application form and additional information from http://www.business.brookes.ac.uk/research/degrees/studentships/


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