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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lancashire Business School International Scholarship 2011, UK

The Stanford - NUS Program in International Management is taught by internationally recognized full-time faculty from both NUS Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Our Program Directors and faculty are of the highest calibre with outstanding credentials from top global universities and extensive experience across industries from both Asian and Western countries. In addition to being actively engaged in research and teaching, they also have consulting experience with blue chip companies, multi-national corporations, businesses and goverments worldwide.

Break Boundaries by Building on your Passions

As the Vice President and General Manager of Tellabs Asia Pacific, Sanjay Patel has drawn from knowledge gained in the Stanford-NUS Executive Program to focus on the development, sales and deployment of cutting-edge solutions for telecom service providers in the world's fastest growing region.

Real-World Strategies for Global Business

The Stanford-NUS Executive Program In International Management presents a unique opportunity to immerse in the vibrant cultures of two of the world's most respected institutions, one renowned for its iconoclastic approach to critical thinking and challenging assumptions, and the other for its uncompromisingly high standards and academic rigor. Held annually in Singapore for 27 years now, the Stanford-NUS Executive Program has been for many, a foundation for assuming greater leadership roles.
These two weeks of highly intensive sessions are designed to augment participants' expertise with current insights and a greater depth of knowledge. Its aim is to hone analytical and behavioral skills essential for attaining a competitive edge in global and Asian business, and because of its international cohort, it also facilitates an invaluable worldwide network of peers across various industries.

Dates and Fees

  • 13 - 27 August 2011
  • Program Fees USD 16,000
  • Fees include tuition, books and other course materials, tea/lunches (during classes) and some dinners and refreshments. Accommodation and some meals are not included in the fee. 
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have
    • 8 or more years of significant managerial experience
    • Be proficient in English as all classes and reading materials are in English
For Enquiries, please contact Amanda Vanderput at 6516 7872 or bizav@nus.edu.sg 

Source: http://executive-education.nus.edu/PROGRAMS/StanfordNUSProgram/tabid/124/Default.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=online&utm_campaign=stanford&gclid=COiBwOD-w6gCFYl66wodDna4qg 


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