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Sunday, December 5, 2010

International Masters Scholarship Program 2011 in Quaternary and Prehistory

The main objective of this course (120 ECTS) is to train young researchers in providing competitive services and researches on Prehistory, Paleo-
anthropology, geology and paleontology, on the methods to be applied for prehistoric and archaeological research, on Quaternary’s geology and paleontology and on heritage preservation and revaluation.
Study Subject:Quaternary and Prehistory
Employer:Erasmus Mundus
The ERASMUS MUNDUS master degree in Quaternary and Prehistory is meant to prepare professionals with the following requirements:
  • Valid cultural background on scientific research, methods and knowledge on the ancient history of Man both from a cultural and from a naturalistic-prehistoric perspective;
  • Appropriate skills in analyzing natural components (both biotic and biotic) within the relationship and interaction between man and environment during the long omination process with specific reference to Quaternary period;
  • Knowledge on scientific aspects of Man’s evolution with special concern to naturalistic contents both from an historical and an evolutionary perspective, and also from the point of view of constant relationship with different ways of life and survival strategies used by our species along time;
  • Coordination skills and ability to intervene in an interdisciplinary way both in terms of coordination and development of different kinds of research within the subjects of the master degree;
  • Appropriate knowledge and management of filing and analysis of information concerning human evolution and natural environment of prehistoric community with special interest in biological and cultural aspects;
  • Appropriate skills in restoration and preservation techniques of materials in prehistoric natural sediments.
  • Interdisciplinary knowledge on the state of research within prehistory acquired at the main European Institutions.

Scholasrhip Application Deadline: 17 February 2011
    Contacts Prof. Carlo Peretto – me4@unife.it
    dott.ssa Marta Arzarello – marta.arzarello@unife.it
  • Universitat Rovina i Virgili di Tarragona (spain)
    Contacts prof. Robert Sala – robert.sala@urv.cat
  • Istituto Politecnico de Tomar (portugal)
    Contacts prof. Luiz Oosterbeek – loost@ipt.pt
  • UniverdidadE de Tràs-os-Montes e Alto Douro (portugal)
    Contacts prof. Mila Abreu – msabreu@utad.pt
  • Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle di Parigi (France)
    Contacts prof. François Semah – semahf@mnhn.fr
    dott. Christophe Falguère – falguere@mnhn.fr
  • university pf the philippines diliman (philippines)
    Contacts prof. Alfred Pawlik- alfred.pawlik@up.edu.ph
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